hari Rabu hari tu pergi check-up lagi.. as usual.. takde pape sgt lah.. jumpa doctor pun kejap je.. doktor check baby punya growth.. ukur2 saiz baby.. and dia check baby blom engage lagi.. engage also depends on whether cervix dah softens ke belum.. biasanya baby engage 2weeks b4 labour for first time mom.. anyhow doktor dah bagi admission letter.. kalau ada tanda nak deliver tu dtg hospital and bawak surat tu.. surat tu tulis pregnancy condition, blood test result etc.. seriau plak.. kalau ikut due date.. 24days to go..
hmm.. weekend ni baru nak pasang baby cot.. nursery x siap2 lagi.. sape2 boleh tak marah my hubby suruh wat cepat2 sikit.. mommy ni dah tak sabar nak tgk nursery siap... (hubby bahasa kan diri dia daddy when talking to baby, so that automatically makes me mommy lah kan :) ). Tapi rasa nak jalan2 KLCC gak.. boleh exercise jalan2.. lagipun boleh makan King Pie.. and lagipun boleh gi Isetan sale..
tapi rasa nak dok rilek2 kat rumah conserve energy pun ye gak.. ye lah nak prepare for the 'big battle'... nanti asyik jalan2 penat nnt nak deliver tak larat plak.. logic ke camtu ? hehe.. hmm.. we'll see lah how the weekend goes.. ade few movies yang dah siap download boleh layan.. and also LOTR trilogy extended version yang dah lama teringin nak tgk...
Friday, April 25, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
36 weeks
alhamdulillah.. this is what my baby's position right now.. tp muka dia mengadap ke depan ke belakang tu tak tau pulak... kepala baby dah kat bawah (kalau kat atas- breech position).. and placenta(uri) kat atas.. placenta mesti kat atas dah lama dah.. sbb kalau kat bawah(dekat bukaan cervix) maksudnya placenta previa.. mmg kene ceaser.. and senang bleeding.. and kene jaga sgt2..
patut lah rasa perut ni selalu gerak2 kat bhgn atas ye.. rupanya baby kick ngan kaki dia.. it's ok baby.. at least i know you're ok in there :)

and rasanya baby belum engage lagi.. nnt hari rabu ni ada check-up.. engage maksudnya baby akan turun ke bawah lagi.. maybe next check-up ni doktor akan check pelvis muat tak kepala baby... kalu tak muat.. ceaser lah nampak nya.. tapi hopefully muat lah.. and punggung ni.. rasenya tak le kecik... hehehe.. tak kisah lah lah..apa2 hal pun.. asal kan baby selamat, ibu ok...
patut lah rasa perut ni selalu gerak2 kat bhgn atas ye.. rupanya baby kick ngan kaki dia.. it's ok baby.. at least i know you're ok in there :)
and rasanya baby belum engage lagi.. nnt hari rabu ni ada check-up.. engage maksudnya baby akan turun ke bawah lagi.. maybe next check-up ni doktor akan check pelvis muat tak kepala baby... kalu tak muat.. ceaser lah nampak nya.. tapi hopefully muat lah.. and punggung ni.. rasenya tak le kecik... hehehe.. tak kisah lah lah..apa2 hal pun.. asal kan baby selamat, ibu ok...
checked, checked and checked!
hi !!
proudly.. i have packed my 'delivery/hospital bag'... hehe.. proudly, because i've been delaying this for few weeks already.. yep.. im a 'last minute' type of person.. kenot help it
below are things that i packed :
Baju & Seluar - 2
Mittens & Booties - 2
Receiving Blanket/ Blanket – 2
Towel/Small towel- 1
Hat – 1
Sock -1
Barut - 4
Napkin - 4
Diaper - 2pcs
Baby Wipes
Minyak Telon/Minyak Yuyi (i didnt have this yet.. what is it for anyway..?)
Feeding Bottle -1 (but i really hope i will be able to BF my baby)
Baju (btg depan) – 3
Baju/Seluar untuk balik rumah -1
Kain Batik - 2
Towel - 1
Sweater - 1
Stoking - 2
Nursing Bra - 3
Nursing Pads - 2
Panty - 3
Disposable Panty
Maternity Pad
Toiletries(Berus gigi/Sikat/Sabun/facial wash)
Air/Minyak Selusuh/Air Zam-zam (xde gak)
Plastic Bag
Kad Hospital (Insurance Card/GL Letter) *GL not settle yet
Stemcell Kit
proudly.. i have packed my 'delivery/hospital bag'... hehe.. proudly, because i've been delaying this for few weeks already.. yep.. im a 'last minute' type of person.. kenot help it
below are things that i packed :
Baju & Seluar - 2
Mittens & Booties - 2
Receiving Blanket/ Blanket – 2
Towel/Small towel- 1
Hat – 1
Sock -1
Barut - 4
Napkin - 4
Diaper - 2pcs
Baby Wipes
Minyak Telon/Minyak Yuyi (i didnt have this yet.. what is it for anyway..?)
Feeding Bottle -1 (but i really hope i will be able to BF my baby)
Baju (btg depan) – 3
Baju/Seluar untuk balik rumah -1
Kain Batik - 2
Towel - 1
Sweater - 1
Stoking - 2
Nursing Bra - 3
Nursing Pads - 2
Panty - 3
Disposable Panty
Maternity Pad
Toiletries(Berus gigi/Sikat/Sabun/facial wash)
Air/Minyak Selusuh/Air Zam-zam (xde gak)
Plastic Bag
Kad Hospital (Insurance Card/GL Letter) *GL not settle yet
Stemcell Kit
Friday, April 18, 2008
the beginning
hi.. suddenly i just feel like writing.. to share what i have been going thru this past few (8!) months... im now on my 35th week of pregnancy.. just 2 more weeks to full term.. and 5 weeks to my due date.. after week 37, anything could happen and i cud be delivering anytime... because most of my frens delivered on week 38th, and another fren actually delivered on week 37th..
starting april 2007.. my life was on the fast track to having my own family.. without me really planning on it.. because just a few motnhs before that.. the plan was.. to get married on jan2008...
first day of ramadhan, 1428 / 13 sept 2007
we decided to take the home pregnancy test.. because i was at least 2days late.. i was never late! and when i think for the past few days.. i was having the prenancy symptoms.. when it happens, i didn't really think much about it. first.. one night at about 11pm, i was going to bed.. i was already by my bed getting ready to sleep and suddenly i feel lightheaded.. rasa rigan kepala.. never felt that before.. since i was already going to bed, i just slept and the next morning.. lightheaded was gone.. and also for the past few days.. my n*pple was sore.. heran jugak... then after adding up with the late menstrual.. we decided to buy the home pregnancy test kit on the way back from work.. bought the kit at Guardian, giant bt caves.. we choose the cheapest kit on the shelves!! haha. all day at work.. i felt.. giddish.. oh my god.. what if im really pregnant.. really? my own child?? am i ready? and what if i don't ? would i be dissapointed...? i dont know... i also kept thinking.. takkan lah... takkan lah cepat sangat...
another reason for me take the test immediately is because.. what if im really pregnant.. don t i have to take supplement/asic folic etc?.. i know i am not the most healthy eater (eg. i dont like vege-i only take few helai in each meal-buat syarat je). i dont want anything happens to my baby because of my lifestyle, do i? and also, if i am really pregnant, i will have take more care of myself knowing my baby is growing in me...
when arrived home.. i immediately want to take the test.. but my husband told me to take the test after buka puasa.. arghh.. why not now.. ? ok takpe lah.. sabar dulu.. siap2 buka puasa dulu... lepas buka puasa pun not tested yet.. smyg.. tgk tv dulu.. then bila nak tido at about 11pm.. baru buat test tu.. tambah lagi suspen sbb tak rasa nak kencing masa tu haha.. i read the instruction b4 i did the test.. it says.. the test is very accurate.. nearly 100% accurate.. and it could never be false positive.. only false negative.. so i did the test.. and it gave double lines almost immediately! I am pregnant!! i just couldnt believe it.. and the first thing i thought was.. LABOR !! (?).. ape la aida nih
coming next.. 1st trimester
starting april 2007.. my life was on the fast track to having my own family.. without me really planning on it.. because just a few motnhs before that.. the plan was.. to get married on jan2008...
first day of ramadhan, 1428 / 13 sept 2007
we decided to take the home pregnancy test.. because i was at least 2days late.. i was never late! and when i think for the past few days.. i was having the prenancy symptoms.. when it happens, i didn't really think much about it. first.. one night at about 11pm, i was going to bed.. i was already by my bed getting ready to sleep and suddenly i feel lightheaded.. rasa rigan kepala.. never felt that before.. since i was already going to bed, i just slept and the next morning.. lightheaded was gone.. and also for the past few days.. my n*pple was sore.. heran jugak... then after adding up with the late menstrual.. we decided to buy the home pregnancy test kit on the way back from work.. bought the kit at Guardian, giant bt caves.. we choose the cheapest kit on the shelves!! haha. all day at work.. i felt.. giddish.. oh my god.. what if im really pregnant.. really? my own child?? am i ready? and what if i don't ? would i be dissapointed...? i dont know... i also kept thinking.. takkan lah... takkan lah cepat sangat...
another reason for me take the test immediately is because.. what if im really pregnant.. don t i have to take supplement/asic folic etc?.. i know i am not the most healthy eater (eg. i dont like vege-i only take few helai in each meal-buat syarat je). i dont want anything happens to my baby because of my lifestyle, do i? and also, if i am really pregnant, i will have take more care of myself knowing my baby is growing in me...
when arrived home.. i immediately want to take the test.. but my husband told me to take the test after buka puasa.. arghh.. why not now.. ? ok takpe lah.. sabar dulu.. siap2 buka puasa dulu... lepas buka puasa pun not tested yet.. smyg.. tgk tv dulu.. then bila nak tido at about 11pm.. baru buat test tu.. tambah lagi suspen sbb tak rasa nak kencing masa tu haha.. i read the instruction b4 i did the test.. it says.. the test is very accurate.. nearly 100% accurate.. and it could never be false positive.. only false negative.. so i did the test.. and it gave double lines almost immediately! I am pregnant!! i just couldnt believe it.. and the first thing i thought was.. LABOR !! (?).. ape la aida nih
coming next.. 1st trimester
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