Sunday, August 14, 2005


Congratulations! You are Bree Van De Kamp, the
Martha Stewart on steroids, whose family is
about to mutiny.

Which Desperate Housewife are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

ok, ok tipu la tu aku mcm bree... hehehe.. saje pilih jawapan yg aku rasa macam bree punya karakter


stupid me!! said...

hehehe...kang aku letak aku cam gabby kang, rs kinky la pulak! ahaks

\(^o^)/ said...

reunion dinner preparation = layan DH 1st season
reunion trip preparation = layan DH 2nd season?

mazezam said...

so anyone wanna be mrs. elizabeth young? a great narrator i would say :D

ANZ said...

sape lak elizabeth young ni

ANZ said...

sape punya blog ni haa.. bosan giler ahh