I love books. ever since I was little. I still remember my first book that I, myself choose (at a book fair if I remember correctly) – can’t exactly remember the title but it was about mentadak. very colourful, & very intriguing to me.. as a 5-year old... the world of mentadak – mentadu. I would then bring the book to my cousin’s house, then I would make him read it too, because I love it so much... from what I remember from my early years... books don’t come that easily to me.. so when I got myself a book, I would hold on to it very dearly...
and then, in my primary school when I was still schooling at kampung, I was a regular at the school library. I would dash to the library at the sound of bells for waktu rehat (recess) while other kids dash to the kantin... I would read everything – from kisah nabi-nabi to prince and pauper (and the like) to the malay kisah teladan book :) . I look forward to be in standard 3 so I can qualify to be a librarian... never wanted to be a prefect – don’t have that leadership quality anyway. I think I volunteered to be a librarian when a teacher came to class one day and announced that they want to appoint a librarian.. lol.. tak malu.. hehe. had to give up my penolong ketua kelas (assistant class monitor) position though.. I was very pleased to wear my librarian tag later that day :) . Following that, I had to bertugas (fulfill my duty) at the library – twice a week, I think.. which I didn’t mind at all...
I transferred school to KL when I was in standard 5.... it was a really really small school, and so was it’s library. they even didn’t allow student in the library during waktu rehat !! except for standard 6 pupil... now how ridiculous was that !! back then Sweet Valley twins series were a hit amongst us friends and we formed a small group to exchange those series – a quite organized group may I add where we had our turn in borrowing each other’s books, according to the series no etc... :) it’s quite fun...
be right back!
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