Monday, April 21, 2008

checked, checked and checked!

hi !!

proudly.. i have packed my 'delivery/hospital bag'... hehe.. proudly, because i've been delaying this for few weeks already.. yep.. im a 'last minute' type of person.. kenot help it

below are things that i packed :

Baju & Seluar - 2
Mittens & Booties - 2
Receiving Blanket/ Blanket – 2
Towel/Small towel- 1
Hat – 1
Sock -1
Barut - 4
Napkin - 4
Diaper - 2pcs
Baby Wipes
Minyak Telon/Minyak Yuyi (i didnt have this yet.. what is it for anyway..?)
Feeding Bottle -1 (but i really hope i will be able to BF my baby)

Baju (btg depan) – 3
Baju/Seluar untuk balik rumah -1
Kain Batik - 2
Towel - 1
Sweater - 1
Stoking - 2
Nursing Bra - 3
Nursing Pads - 2
Panty - 3
Disposable Panty
Maternity Pad
Toiletries(Berus gigi/Sikat/Sabun/facial wash)
Air/Minyak Selusuh/Air Zam-zam (xde gak)
Plastic Bag
Kad Hospital (Insurance Card/GL Letter) *GL not settle yet
Stemcell Kit

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